Workshop on FRBR in The European Library | 9 October 2008, National Library of Portugal – Lisbon – Portugal

Workshop on FRBR in The European Library | 9 October 2008, National Library of Portugal – Lisbon – Portugal
09:15 - Registration

09:45 - Opening of the public workshop / Welcome
Maria Inês Cordeiro (BNP – Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal)

10:00 - An overview of TEL – The European Library and Europeana – The European Digital Library
Sally Chambers (TEL Office / The Netherlands) (ppt- 1,73 MB)

10:20 - FRBR…
Maja Zumer (NUK – National Library of Slovenia) (ppt- 820 KB)

11:00 - Break

11:20 - The Challenge: FRBR in TEL/TELplus
José Borbinha (IST – Instituto Superior Técnico / Portugal) (ppt- 1,97 MB)

11:30 - FRBRization of European catalogues: challenges and some solution
Trond Aalberg (NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology) (ppt- 608 KB)

11:55 - The vision of a software vendor
Vinod Chachra (VTLS - Visionary Technology in Library Solutions / USA) (ppt- 6,35 MB)

12:20 - Discussion and morning wrap up

12:30 - Lunch

14:00 - FRBR: a practical experience at the Université catholique de Louvain
Claire Dupont (UCL - Université catholique de Louvain / Belgiun) (ppt- 1,13 MB)

14:20 - The activities of the OCLC on FRBR
Janifer Gatenby (OCLC - Online Computer Library Center / USA) (ppt- 2,74 MB)

14:40 - About an FRBR data model
Ronald Murray (LoC – Library of Congress / USA) - (pdf- 6,30 MB)

15:00 - Final discussion

15:15 - Closing of the public workshop
15:20 - Launching of the Portuguese edition of “Functional requirements for bibliographic records: final report”
Fernanda Campos (BNP – Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal)
16:00 - Private workshop (“round the table” discussion)
18:00 - Closing

Participation in the public workshop and the launching of the Portuguese edition of the
FRBR final report is FREE AND OPEN to all interested professionals.

For practical reasons, participation in the private workshop is restricted to the speakers and participants of the TELplus Project. Participation is also possible for other relevant professionals or researchers if request by email to

FRBR - Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, is a conceptual model of the bibliographic universe, first published in 1998 (

TEL - The European Library, is an on-line portal providing access to the resources of the National Libraries of Europe ( TELplus is a project to strengthen, expand and improve the TEL portal and related services (

This workshop is a joint organization of the Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon Technical University) and the National Library of Portugal, in the scope of the TELplus Project activities.

National Library of Portugal
Instituto Superior Técnico
National Libraries of Europe